Wednesday 24 January 2018

Tired All the Time?

Tired All the Time?
If you find yourself feeling tired more than often, it’s time to do something about it!.  If you are one of those who find waking up and  going for work a pain in the morning even after a good sleep, let us help you beat this fatigue! 

Check your essential vitamins levels! 

Vitamin B12 deficiency is common these days. Approximately 85% of population suffers from it. Low levels of B12 is widely associated with the feeling of lethargy.. As its function for conditioning of nervous system Formation & repairing of red blood cells, Synthesis of DNA molecules,So,taking supplements for both,B12 and D3 once in 6 months can help you overcome the constant feeling of tiredness.  

Dietary changes 

Instead of consuming 3 large meals change it to small frequent meals throughout the day which will give energy in bouts and prevent binging. As it rightly said, “you are what you eat”, a healthy balanced diet will make sure that you don’t feel sluggish. Breakfast is the main meal, NEVER skip on it, and if you are skipping breakfast it means you start your day on low energy. It will make you feel tired by lunch time, consuming small portion of carbohydrates in each meal – this will keep your blood sugar level stable and in turn keep fatigue at bay. 

Plan ahead & calm down! 

Don't be in a rush all the time; in hustle and bustle lifestyle it’s difficult to find time for completing plan schedule. If you are among those who are always on the go, you need to slow down. Stop being so tough to yourself all your life. Have a balanced lifestyle which includes work, family and some “me time” as well. When you slow down you will also discover that you’re more efficient. 

Physically be active 

The question is if you feel tired how will you exercise. But you need to push the bar to be physically active.Exercising is an excellent way to lift energy levels.Any form of exercise you like can be a good start like cycling,swimming,aerobics. Pick the sport and stick to it!  

Hydrate yourself!

Drink enough water at regular intervals. When you don’t drink enough water, your body gets dehydrated which leads to weariness, both physically and mentally. Whether you have desk job or a job to run around , or even if you don’t work make sure you keep bottle of water with you at hand and keep sipping on it. 

Breathing exercise

Try breathing exercises like deep breathing in and breath out, chanting OM will relax you. Every morning, keep 15 minutes aside for breathing exercise. Step out of your office during lunch hour to break monotony of working in a closed environment all morning. 

Sleep well! 

A sound sleep of 6-8 hours is important for the body to function. Staying up late won’t help you feel better the next day. Try to go to bed earlier than usual and make it a habit to sleep routine will help you get adequate sleep.

Overcome stress  

Stress is one of the reason for metabolic disorders like high blood pressure, uncontrolled diabetes and being tired is on top of the criteria.While there are many way to deal with stress – meditation, working out , listening to music, following a hobby. First you need to understand what is causing all that stress and then bust it off. 

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