Monday 29 January 2018

Should You Trust Your Weighing Scale?

Should You Trust Your Weighing Scale?

Trying to slim it down but end up feeling frustrated?Giving it all your efforts but the number on the scale still isn’t budging?
It is very easy to lose hope when you’re clueless about your efforts. You’ve been eating well, exercising regularly and firmly controlling your cravings, yet the number on the scale just doesn’t seem come down?
Here’s the deal-Your weight shouldn’t be the only indicator to weight loss and healthy living when on a weight loss and exercise programme as you’ll be increasing on lean muscle mass which DOES makes you gain some weight while at the same time you’re even losing inches.


Knowing the difference between losing weight and losing inches can change the way you get results and may even change how you look at your own body. For that it is very important for us to understand what body mass composition is. To brief up, our body weight comprises of the weight of fat, muscles, tissues, organs, bones, blood, water etc. Our objective should be to lessen the percentage of body fat from the total body weight composition. Fat tissue is not very dense, it is very lose hence it occupies a lot of space in our body. When we lose fat then this space is freed and we can notice instant inch loss. Logically, there should be weight loss too but mostly our body is not very comfortable with changing the weight so easily. It tries to balance out the loss of fat weight with the gain of muscles mass i.e it uses the energy that comes from the burned fat for some repair and reconstruction of muscles.

Why measure waist?

Measuring waist circumference helps to look for probable health threats that come with overweight and obesity. If an individual carries more of his body fat around his waist than hips, he could be at a great risk for Type 2 Diabetes and Heart diseases.  These threats rise with the waist size,so how much waist size increases the risk? >35 inches for women & >40 inches for men.To measure your waist accurately, locate the top of hipbone, stand and circle the tape around your middle and measure your waist just after you breathe out.

A measuring tape might be your best tool for tracking your overall health and longevity prospects. So toss out your scale and bring in the measuring tape!

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