Friday 26 January 2018

Acidity,when the Stomach Is on Fire

Acidity,when the Stomach Is on Fire

This common man’s condition ranks as one of the top health related query that patients complain to me about. Isn’t acidity one of the ‘burning topics’ these days wherever you go?
Digene/Eno and what not is the drawer stocked with? But reoccurs every night?So what exactly is acidity?Acidity also called as Heartburn or Acid Reflux..As the name suggests, acidity is the secretion of excessive acids in the gastric glands of the stomach. When the secretion is more than normal, usually a ‘burning sensation' is felt. 
  • Occurrence of heartburn can be due to: 
  • Erroneous eating habits o Incorrect postures 
  • Pressure in the abdominal area 
We’ve all suffered from acidity some or the other time!Any idea WHY? 


Firstly, the major reason for acidity is NOT EATING ON TIME!!The long interval that occurs between meals is what is to be cured.
Frequently heard dialogue: ‘No time’ or “Oh!Had a busy schedule’We’ve all got so busy in our lifestyle that what we’ve been earning for (stomach) is getting cornered.
Eating every 2 hours is very important and if not done, the likeliness of hogging in the next meal increases.

The next big reason would be STRESS! Oh, yes you read it right!
Do you find your acid reflux symptoms aggravating during your worst times like just before a job interview?Stress triggers heartburn, Bad news for people dealing with loads of stress!
Stress leads to poor discharge of digestive juices which leads to poor digestion. Plus, it decreases the secretion of cortisol hormone which cuts your metabolic rate, prevents fat burning and converts food into fat.Of course, the stress cannot be completely out, but with adoption of coping strategies it can be cut down.So moral of the study is indulge yourself into de-stressing activities like dancing, exercising, deep breathing, cool down.

Other motives of hyper-acidity could be: 
  • Consumption of Spicy/Fried Food 
  • Alcoholism/smoking  
  • Improper Sleep 
  • Too many cups of tea/coffee(3-4 cups) 
  • Pregnancy Obesity 
  • Tight clothing


Before reaching out for the Antacids (Digene) or Eno to temporarily treat the heartburn symptoms try correcting your food habits. 
  • Mix the juice of about half a lime to 1 tbspn of honey in a glass of warm water and drink it first thing in the morning.  
  • Add fresh fruits (banana/pineapple) and vegetables in your diet liberally. 
  • After the meals, take one piece of Clove (Laung) and suck on it slowly.  This not only gives quick relief but also helps in reducing the onslaught of diseases arising out of acidity. 
  • The following foods are particularly helpful in reducing acidity: Coconut water, raw cabbage, grapefruit (papnus), Juice or soup of carrot, bottle gourd, pumpkin and cabbage.
  • Fruits, roasted chana, sprouts, protein bars, nariyal pani,  nuts like raisins,whole wheat lavash with hummus, curd/ yogurt .are few mid meal options you can grab and prevent long gap between your meals.

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